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Yes the Fuck You Can!

Updated: Aug 2, 2019

I don't know why, but I have the urge to write this. It could be that I need a pep talk for myself, or maybe someone else needs to hear this.

Let's start with this... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! That idea you have, the want you want, and that thing you want to do, go do it. YOU CAN DO IT? What that little voice inside is whispering to you, you know the one that is saying you are not ready? Ignore that voice. The next sentence, I want you to read it out loud and loud enough to drown that other voice out. YES THE FUCK I CAN!

Now sometimes it is just not our inner voices giving us a hard time, it is the people around you that is feeding that negative voice. You know the ones that are supposed to be our biggest supporters, the friends, the family, the bosses, and even the classmates. Those who we think are our biggest supporters are actually our biggest haters. Some do not even know they are doing that but that is because they simply do not understand. They do not understand why you have to start that clothing line, why you decided to change your eating habits, why you want to move to another state or country or simply why you want to do you. They will question you, they will tell you that you cannot do that, and they will make you doubt yourself. I am pretty sure everyone has experienced this. Even typing that, I am thinking of the ones who are telling me I am doing too much and that I will not be good at what I am doing, so I KNOW that you are hearing your negative Nancy voice. SO with the next sentence, I want you to read it out loud and loud enough to drown that other voice out. YES THE FUCK I CAN!

It is not just people that makes us doubt that ourselves, but our circumstances. Maybe you have the worst of luck, or you´re short on money, or you´re simply too busy. Those are not reasons for you not to start whatever it is that you want to do. If you have bad luck, utilize that. Learn from those situations and make something good out of it. If you´re low on funds, well let me tell you this. It is 2019. TWENTY-NINETEEN!! There are so much more avenues for you to make cash with. Go make that money boo! Busy? TIME MANAGEMENT!!!! Look at your schedule? What can you take out of it? What can you do less of? What can you move around in your schedule? Are you intimidated by those circumstances? Well circumstances change! Because I know you are reflecting on those circumstances, I want you to read it out loud and loud enough to drown that other voice out. YES THE FUCK I CAN!

Go forth and do great things readers! (Shoot me a DM when you start doing what it is that you want to do!)


Cristiana Alexis

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